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Norman Gale-Elijahjuan Cushinberry

Age 18

Hutchinson, Kansas

All at once, the music stopped

At 18, he still had a crooked, boyish smile.

He was motivated, graduating from Pratt High School a year early to follow his dream of working in music. "I'm gonna do me!" he told his mother. He was pursuing songwriting, hoping to be able to take care of his family and friends one day.

On June 26, 2018, Norman Gale-Elijahjuan Cushinberry was sitting in the passenger seat of his friend’s car in Hutchinson, Kansas, when a dispute over drugs broke out. He was shot at approximately 6:45 p.m. and was pronounced dead at the scene.

By Audrey Abel · Age 17
Meet the Reporters

More than 80 musicians

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