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Akim Glover

Age 18

Bronx, New York

Best older brother he could be

He had a good heart, his sister Mikayla Glover says. He’d help elderly neighbors with their groceries. When his pregnant mother entered a family shelter, he could have found another home. Instead, he stayed there, too, so he could help her.

He’d always been the youngest sibling and the only man of the house. Then his baby brother Trust was born. He was ecstatic.

Months later, on February 28, 2018, Akim Glover, 18, of Bronx, New York, was murdered. His baby brother still hugs and kisses his picture, asking for when “Pop” will come home.

By Joe Meyerson · Age 17 and Sarah Emily Baum · Age 18
Meet the Reporters

More than 300 siblings

Kameron Johnson

He dreamed of college and cars

Elisha Amon Cole

Dreaming big, working on his portfolio

Rashaad Izil Wisher

One brother buried. Then another one.

Raydale Hill

Can no longer create his music

Yaleah Hall

Sister, daughter, dancer, since day one

Jontae Billups-Brooks

An athlete and a music lover

Shondricka J'Nay Adams

Celebrating one night, gone the next

Elijah Foster

Dope Boy Gang. One less member.

Lorenzo Moore-Vaughn

About to start his senior year

Jeremiah Ascencio

Last moments spent cradling his brother

Caydence Nicole Painter

Reading, dancing, playing. Siblings shot together.

Lia Lin Collier

A light, “unrelenting joy” extinguished

Peyton Nicole Hurt

Still helping others, even in death

Rashiya Melton

Joins brother, leaves behind her twin

Ty'Dre Shyheim Hailey

She didn’t know it was real

Izabella Marie Helem

Brother shoots his sister by accident

Jayden Fondeur

His older brother found him first

Ryan Amadeo Dela Cruz

Gone, two weeks shy of graduation

Ramand Kassadine Davis

Happy in his SpongeBob SquarePants jammies

Jaquincy Jawan Ross

Wanted to buy her a scooter